Kingsport police
Found this lovely lady on the side of the road yesterday. Looking for a fancy princess name.
An update, but not much new information
Most beneficial purchase you’ve made that saved you money or changed your life for the better?
I grew up in a city right next door to Westfield. This all tracks
Breaking up with a long term toxic friend.
I broke up with my girlfriend cause she was jealous of my cat
Adnan got fired from TLC?
Cattle people of Reddit whats the most meanest breeds you ever dealt with?
Snotty cat
Hidey Idey Ice Cream in Elizabethton
In need of a bartender
Recommendations please
Specifically why is ballad bad? And what specifically is not being done?
Scratch pizza is back - is it as good as everyone remembers it?
Office of the president vs loyalty department
Who your biggest celebrity crush
Birria Tacos
Whose house do they film the confessionals in? Not to be mean but it’s too clean to belong to the cast
JC Commission Candidates Information?
How does Statler tame her curls
Good mechanic in JC area
Girl with the Cheese Curl Earring
What the floor.
Without consent. SBXW sold timber on the marital property.