Well we got our sactional setup! Not sure when I get to use it though...
Forever processing
beachwood rained chenell
Thinking about ordering a lovesac couch but have 4 dogs.
Just don’t think it’s worth it?
Hey all. New to game. Bought the Arasaka box. Why does each character have 2 different cards?
How Wysiwyg is necromunda?
Burner Phone Update
Is there a list of legit brands for sheets/mats versus which brands are scams?
Necromunda preview announced
Where to spend XP on nacht-ghul?
Carnival of Shadows prepares to take the field.
Vehicle question: How does a model climb/mount an enemy vehicle?
Do you target bases or models in Necromunda? If a blast template clips a base but not the model, is it a hit? I ask because for cover, bases don't matter right? It's model visibility.
The Carnival of Shadows, a House Delaque gang, prepares for their first foray into an ash waste campaign!
Delaque preparing for a fight
Finally got it after four years. Now what?
How does Necromunda vs Kill team interact with terrain?
What’s the best way to get some terrain?
If Anyone had the Ability to Stop this, it was Her
Which book has the Escher Helion information?
Coup de grace question
Opened a new company recently and just got this in the mail. Is it legit? Should i be worried?
Who is scheduling themselves to get this latest booster/new vaccine?
I can’t play with randoms anymore