what's an Irish swimmers' favorite stroke?
Michigan anesthesiologist pleads guilty to child pornography charge allegedly involving toddlers
Family spokesman? The Manson Family should have a spokesman like you!
Not Often You Witness Jack McCoy Meeting His Match
Meatloaf, tater, roasted veggies.
What is your genuine criticism for BoonBoomger?
Candidates to replace Peters
Anyone feeling kind of powerless?
what the one thing you would you go back & tell your younger self & why?
Leaf on the Wind
How You Remind Me
In 1986, Geraldo Rivera gave 30 million people blue balls with his live TV special when he opened Al Capone's vault and found nothing but dirt and empty bottles.
What's something that breaks constantly because the general public doesn't know how to properly use it?
Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints
If You had to rewrite the Season 3 Finale of Beast Wars, what would the changes be?
What personality trait that has become super common do you despise the most?
How do YOU pronounce Kashyyyk?
Things you never want to hear from a programmer.
Yo, check this out. Black guys drive a car like this. Yeah, but white guys, see, they drive a car like this.
Elon/Tesla protests at Somerset Mall today
Who and what would you want to see in “the batman 2” ?
Chicken Boo, what's the matter with you?!
What wouldn't you do for 1 billion dollars?
"All we ask is to be treated with dignity and respect" S04E10
And to my lazy, spoiled son Tandy who NEVER learned the value of a dollar I leave my entire $10 million fortune.