The: “Valentine’s Quest Reward Set” Has Won for the: “MOST OVERUSED ITEM”!! Now Moving onto the: “MOST UNDERRATED ITEM”!!
Why do many latino characters have red clothing?
Best oscar winner/nominee for a first date?
What's your favorite loading screen?
Which Animated show have you seen that is just the embodient of this image?
What if?
When people make ethereal fits for human themes
Minha ex preferiu ser cartomante do que ser dev frontend
Brasileiro(a) mudando a a pagina na wiki da Mikey Madson para chamar ela de prostituta, para quê isso?
This is getting crazy out of hand… people need to get over themselves.
What’s your biggest dti ick
Aves exóticas
Actresses you hope to get a second oscar nomination after receiving only one before?
Do you think there's another well-written protagonist who is both relatable and not evil, and still more trashy and mentally unwell than Bojack?
How often d'yall farm?
Which of these was the hardest/most annoying to get?
One line always confused and bothered me to this day
Layering is fun and all but im sick of layering for the sake of layering
When the Show started did anyone question why Garnet had Two gems?
Master servers are filled with generic cut and paste non-human characters. The Vantraxia effect is real.
How to win Style Showdown without teaming
Which comic relief is controversial?
Style showdown is unfair.
oque vcs acham sobre namorada ter melhor amigo
Minha redflag é odiar dar o assento pra idoso no horário de pico