In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only pauldrons
violent scene missing
It's always sunny in the middle east
Who's winning the twerk-off?
fact checked by REAL star wars fans
Starkiller Base is Starkiller Based.
That atrocious thumbnail killed me.
I thought this sub just made fun of people that take the series too seriously
Characters who would probably swear a lot if the they were in wasn't for kids.
The absolute largest piece of garbage in the setting
Who would win?
Playing around with the photo mode and ending up with a meme
Young Sister Hospitaller Callidia in her new Carapace and assorted guns
Yup… WB is throwing this one under the bus
Outjerked by…who am I kidding you f*cking know
Bosses I want to see in the future
Jaghatai Khan: I heard you do strange things to your warriors.
What chapter is your vanguard from?
this is what will happen is you get caught by d-eldar
Tzeentchian invasions be like
I don't remember this panel, what's happening here?
It only takes three words to fill you with impending doom.
Check this out
It's a different Palmer (AFAIAA).