Samsung S24+ or regular Iphone 15/16?
Re-gaining my flexibility after 10 years.
Pokestops and gyms dissapearing recently.
Into the wild Hatch ticket is a scam.
Halloween 2024 Part I
How many raids did you do before you got Shiny Zacian? (If you got Shiny Zacian)
Looking for shiny costumes I am offering all the images below
Do himalayan guinea pigs get lighter colors in the summer?
The odds of getting Special Backgorund during Inbound from Ultra Space event is close to 10%
looking for legendarys or shiny legendaries can offer what's below can fly
Can offer rayquazas. Looking for shinies/legendaries. Can fly.
Reassurance for those who need it. My period finnally came after 22 days.
I actually can't study anymore and I'm seriously un-motivated!
Pikachu's Indonesia Journey in Yogyakarta
unashamedly in love with my inquisitior
Who is your current Inquisitor?
READ IF YOU ARE WORRIED! (My experience)
Which Veilguard companions are you the most excited about and why?
What does this noise mean? I'm a bit worried.
How do I install Armor/Outfit mods that require BodySlide?
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