why isn’t bardock on super saiyan 2 (and pbss by extension)?
Kept dying to attacks instead of the charges so I went with both defensive items, turns out it was the right play
Phy Raditz should be announced to EZA on April fools without any detail of how good he is and then turn out to be the strongest EZA of all time when he release
Well, this is a new one
Since they have a barebone kit, these guys (probably the most forgettable DFE from 2022) can have a nice comeback with an EZA!
JP data download
Leganes 2 - [3] Betis - Cucho Hernandez 83'
Am I a masochist for this fight is interesting LMAO? I just think of it as something you hop in once a month, not something to play over and over again
He became full RNG
Future Saga Tanabata 2025 Concept (multiple images)
How do i beat the gofrieza Stage with 4 Universe 11 Units
Which other units don't use the move shown in their artwork?
Soul Punishers
What build should I give this guy?
If you’re having trouble with the new stages this item helps a lot.
Wich world is this ?
In case you guys forget, these are the SDBH units that will get their EZAs this year. You know, just in case Giant Ape Power isn't already busted by that point
The shit in my pants is masive
New titles - One from Battle Hardened Formidable Foes. The rest are from the 50 phase event. Looks like a title every 10 phases beaten
"Challenge The Limits! Festival Of Battles" ALL ENEMIES
10th Anniversary EZA Volleyball Match
Someone has more crappy attack stat screenshots? They can be edits or legits
You’re god damn right I do. Next time roast properly instead of compliments.
Bizarre Take: I think the EX Part is going to have an EX-EX Part coinciding with Saiyan Day to SEZA these guys
Guys Who i put in slot 1, Vegeta or trust the brats?