Parallels? What parallels?
pick 4 more
What can yellow shells do in Mario Kart?
Been replaying the game, what does the % symbol mean ?
I made Double Dash type duo using the MK8DX roster
What is your biggest pet peeve/annoyance in mk8dx?
Dark Matter Family Tree
How the animatronics are moved after 6am. (Warning: Old Art)
Do we have any reliable source about the gender of the Pyro Dragon? Just saw a rumor in the weekly bounty.
"Remember Jeremy" isn't talking about MCI Jeremy, or Jeremy Fitzgerald. Just HW Jeremy.
Which character made you go like this?
Why does everyone think that William Afton is the person in Midnight Motorist?
I think I know who did the bite of 87
Cassidy and Andrew are both in Ultimate Custom Night
What did you think of this video by GiBi's Horror Homestead on fnaf 3 not being in 2023
Came to a recent realization in regards to Afton's role in FNAF 4's minigames
The souls that posses fnaf1 characters got killed while Freddys was open
MoltenMCI believers: How are the spirits still in the fnaf 1 location?
If you had to pick one of these years, which do you think fnaf 1 would take place in?
Why was golden freddy refurbished for fnaf 1 with the rest of the animatronics if fredbear's was shut down by then?
Freddy's garbage problem
Someone really hates the Pyro Dragon Sovereign x Xbalanque shippers
Chiori is disgust, who is ennui
What's your least favorite weekly boss and why is it this mf?
What's ya'll opinion on Lan Yan's design now that she has been officially marketed ?