Just a cutie sunnin'
I don't... NEED to take my fruit snack... but I will, because I WANT to.
She decided I needed a bath
Moving to Missouri
She is shy and not a fan of the vet visits
Reporter accidentally pushes microphone into Trump's face
He's soooooo haaaaappy
Look at this Sleepy mofo
Advice for first time driving in Des Moines after only driving in Rural Iowa
Trump F*cked America's Farmers—And They're P*ssed About It.
Adventureland Inn closing
Reached Mythic for the first time today
Homeland Security and DPS in Marshalltown this morning
Alex Jones says Infowars reporter Jamie White was fatally shot near Texas home
Good people of KC, how many eggs you got?
If kamen rider Lopo had her own unique buckle. Made by @gomazarashi1110
Just sunnin' and lovin'
He's right on my kidneys
Did he have to rip up the blanket before looking cute on it?!
Who wore it best?
Moments before trying to eat my face
Shout out to my fellow hydra lover at TCGPlayer
He is still getting the hang of it. No one likes water up their nose