guys I think we can cut him some slack for the screaming, he’s not exactly in a good mental space right now
Why do some Ppl take this Game WAY to serieous?
What are your dream licensed Survivors? I picked my top 3!
For players who’ve done both, do you prefer paragon or renegade?
What's a unlikely licensed survivor that you'd want ingame (me personally def joe Goldberg)
Which killer(s) is the most annoying to go against in your opinion? I'll go first.
My Childhood Memory of a Nun Jumpscare… Am I Misremembering?
Our silly nicknames for some of the killers
What Survivor do killers normally simp for?
Judge my mains
This was the community poll from a few years ago. We still have a while to go on wanted licenses
What is your top headcanon about the survivors and killers in the fog?
Your Ultimate 6 Normandy Crew
This is how it feels to mori someone with no knowledge on Tokyo Ghoul lore
An en caul birth, also known as a "veiled birth," is a rare event where a baby is born still inside an intact amniotic sac. It occurs in less than 1 in 80,000 live births.
What Are Your Thoughts On The Hour Of Joy?
8.6.0 PTB Feedback Is Open
From last year survey, 2 down, what people think is next?
Unspoken rizz vs sexual harassment.
Rank the Mass Effect Human Squadmates from the Best to the Worst.
Non Tokyo Ghoul fans, what are your thoughts on Ken Kaneki being in the game? What was your reaction to the announcement?
My First Ever House / Camp 😄 Any Building Advice for a New Player?
With today's PTB coming out, where do you stand on the killer alignment chart?
More shack focused variations coming
my head canon for pinhead leaving dbd is that the leviathan and the entity broke up😭