I think im going crazy
What's the dumbest way you've accidentally glutened yourself?
If you've been glutened, what's your go to quick fix home remedy?
Hashimotos & Cealic Disease
What shocked you the most when learning more about Hashimotos?
Sinus and Flu
Discord clubs?
do you read more then one book at once?
Reading similar books to what you are writing, do you find this helpful or detrimental?
I would love to hear your stories on how you know you have shifted!
Hey all! I'm Ilia and I write sci-fi and horror. I'm also a developmental editor who used to ghostwrite smut :) Looking to connect with other sci-fi authors! Cheers
Whats your favourite writing practice?
Interested in your thoughts..
Powerless trilogy: Mak and Paedyn?
Biggest difference you’ve noticed between Kobo and Kindle?
Obsessed! Quicksilver- The new ACOTAR?
How do you get over obsessing on something?
Something I want to share that's really helped me :)
For those who have HA due to the fear of leaving young kids behind, how do you cope?
New Kobo Clara BW DOES fit in Clara 2E cases
Vascular ring