Slender: The Arrival VR arrives on PS VR2 May 13
Gamertag VR's impressions of HITMAN PSVR2 are out tomorrow!
Iron Guard VR - Tower Defense coming to PSVR2
When are we gonna get the new ps plus games? its supposed to come today in the morning but its almost afternoon
Quest 3 graphics for retribution
Theory: Barney wouldn't side with Johnny
New to VR
Mecha Party on PSVR2 - First Impressions (3v3 Ranked Multiplayer)
Are there random survivors that need help/mug you in Chapter 2?
Will the part one version be compatible with the new psvr 2 update
Into the Radius suddenly crashing
I did not know how good Saints and Sinners was until recently
Psvr 2 keeps disconnecting every 2 minutes
If I buy the ps5 version of beat saber do I also get the ps4 version?
IRON REBELLION- First Update and Sale Since 1.0 Launch
No more PSVR2 section in the PS store on console?
[Beat Saber & Pistol Whip] [#45 & 46] My first two VR Platinums! Anyone have suggestions for other PSVR2 Plats that aren’t insanely grindy? (Bonus points if you work up a sweat).
What’s new on PSVR2?
Psvr2 worth it?
PSVR2 hype? (from someone who devoured the PSVR1 version)
What's the saddest game you've ever played? (No Spoilers please)
When will the new PSVR2 price take effect?
Some recommends bout the psvr2, and some questions(help pls) :)
PSVR2 is getting a price cut to $399 USD
Madison PSVR2 Cursed Edition finally arrived. On Chapter 3 of the Exorsist PSVR2 to be completed first. (Warm up).