Travis T- Mr lonely
These are from 2 garage sales this past weekend!
My boy is officially blind and I’m devastated.
I always wondered what happened to Loe Pesci
The official soundtrack for Low Testosterone
The ole switcharoo
Tolls On Macdonald Bridge Gone Completely
Wake in up and bust in ur butt
We get it guys! You’re super duper. Just enjoy the content for what it is!
Haven’t seen this one yet. Kickin it like Dr. Suess kickin some ghouls
My Darkest Secret Is That I Unironically Enjoy Daredevil (2003)
Favourite director/actor that lost their gun privileges due to a felony conviction for domestic violence who then went on to use political influence to get a senior justice department official fired?
It’s been on the list for a while, but I accepted that I’d never find in the wild so found a great deal on eBay! The Bluray was unfortunately wayyyy too pricy.
POV: you are a meme
The way she goes bud's
She just won’t stop.
What’s the greatest "I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in here with me" moment in a movie?
I saw this ad while scrolling, it’s like the plane selection screen on AC6 except instead of plane stats it’s ways that porn is ruining your brain ☹️
What armor is this?
Look in the mouse hole and say cheez
What is your favorite weapon that you got from a crate in wildlands that you still use?
How unfortunate
MFW my coworker is sadly saying that his mother couldn’t get a room at the hospital then suddenly pivots to “I just wish Elon Musk would come up to Canada and fix our country like he’s fixing the U.S.”
please keep my sweet lilo in your thoughts
I had to say goodbye…