Books for a 7yo advanced reader?
AITA for wanting to leave my best friend of 5 years?
What is the most insane thing you have overlooked, for the sake of getting laid?
So this happened...
Happy Belated Birthday to Edgar the most alpha dog in existence
Imagine how confused Kim Yeosang from Ateez would be when people tell each other to "kys"
If we attack Norway, article 5 of NATO will trigger meaning all these countries will help them defend
But why though?
Swedes what are y'all gonna do now
U need to write florida man+ birthday
[General] Make the comments look like Annabeths search history (Art by Viria)
Pewdiepie Antartica territory flag design!
Close enough
Dont hate BTS without me!
Can you blame him though?
Don't ban me this is from my own Insta lol.
How to escape from a sweedish Maniac
Don't send hate to anyone.
The Sssniperwolf Sofa plot continues to thicken
What’s the dumbest way you caused yourself to bleed?
bts inspiration vroo
What serial killer should have been caught sooner?
Your username is your superpower, what is it?
Non-Americans of Reddit, what confuses you the most about America?