Base needs some more work but he’s basically done. With a pipe.
Can anybody tell me what he’s holding in his right hand?
Can the M14/41 model be used as an M15/42?
Can more than one unit use the same transport?
Scheme help
Dew it
Make the comments look like this guy’s search history:
Do bangalores have a purpose in V3?
My Daemon prince of Slaanesh
Open or closed?
Are there any good 3d modelling or sculpting courses for blender in the UK?
Don't they have other games to be worrying about???
How does the 'hits vs targets in buildings' part of the chart work?
How come the Squadron markings are filled in?
The virgin fake Late Roman vs the Chad historical Late Roman
Found myself a new hobby and thought you might like what I made :)
Should my daughter equip her polish cavalry with lances or sabers? Is there any pros and cons to either?
And yet i've seen people from the 68% chug down milk and devour cheese like they're part of the 32%
Are there any tabletop games set during the golden age of piracy?
What do you think will be released along with the book for Armies of Brittain?
The most difficult WWII question
Reading Nigel Hamilton’s Full Monty has certainly been an experience
Nice to see a small local shop selling warhammer
Runnin down to Cuba
Quite a trail of destruction indeed