Does CCD cappuccino from the Coffee machine give 16.5g of protein if you drink 2 cups of it a day ? I saw this in healthifyme app, is this info even close to accurate ?
2 scoops of Whey in one go?
8 months apart 30 kgs down
Boiled eggs are difficult to peel, time consuming. Any effective ways to peel the boiled eggs within seconds?
Soya chunks have 50g protein per 100g. Is it true?
Guys is my fitnesspal even accurate/reliable
TIL: Amal Thaha from Alambanzz is son of Ee parakkum thalika director
Really pleasant weather in Bangalore these days
Why are Indian lifters comparatively weak?
How many days should I do different exercise in a week?
Cheapest way to get Chicken Breast ?
Is my protein calculation right(160 gm/day) ?
Oru Jaathi Jathakam ( ഒരു ജാതി ജാതകം ) - Reviews and Ratings - 31 January, 2025
Somebody keyd my bike all over the fairing :(
I messed up with insurance help me
Is it a good time to make lumpsum investments in stock market ? If yes any recommendations ?
Magic mushrooms naturally occurring in India with locations
Freelance Income to Dad's Account Safe ?
Freelance Income Jugaad, am I doing it right ?
SIP ROI confusion, XIRR vs Absolute % ?
Kelly Brittain will be MotoGP’s new Managing Director of Global Marketing. She is currently the Brand and Communications Director at Red Bull Racing in F1.
We still miss Suzuki
Bought an oz of shrooms, how do i use them?
What is your monthly in-hand Salary ? (use this data for salary negotiation).
F1 Fan here that watched the British MotoGP earlier and just wanna ask