How Artian Weapon rerolling works
You can't even play the event without one of the four meta decks
Received my Samurai Jack Figure
Welcome to your new Gacha.
Just stopping by to say fuck Sean Murray and this game
How do you guys buy your Bakugan cards?
So have you guys found any sweet Diamond Bakugan lately?
Elden Ring fanbase is disgusting, spamming every videogame conference...
Tall people in Tacoma’s ?
Are repainted Bakugans tournament legal?
What is Bakugan: Battle Brawlers? A guide.
2 vs 3 as the opposite ends of the spectrum of Darksiders fans
DS : Genesis Strife and War Power Gap
You know it's true
Simplistic Phone Wallpaper I Made
[EGS Store] I see a lot of people still asking about why people don't like the Epic Games Store, so I decided to make an all in one post summing up most of the arguments against the store.
So I guess nobody's talking about the second blood machines kickstarter they started?
Genuinely Curious: How many people here changed there minds about waiting out the Epic Store exclusivity after watching all that streaming gameplay yesterday?
Critical Converter, Aerial Recovery, Rising Spiral, Groundbreaker, Combo Master are default abilities in Lv1Crit
Critical mode patch notes revealed
[Clicker Heroes 2] Suggestion on Gilding Rework
Math on Big Clicks and Hecaton's Echo Combo
[KH3](Spoilers) A sentence I thought I'd never say.
[SPOILER][KH3] Issues with the 13 darknesses/7 lights and other plot points.