Sautican mining, military and research bases on Ungalato
Federation bases have been set up in Srutigitus atmosphere
If you're going to use my flag for the sub icon you can at least credit me lol
Modification of Cataclysm ships for deep space travel
Every country is becoming Serbia? Anyone know how to fix it?
Liber is now collecting 80 million barrels of Georginite per day
My name is Coo
Levant Federation - Rebel Peace deal
My friend found this when he was aiming with peacekeeper
The search for the people responsible for the biological bombing of Calous has begun
Sautica and Israel keep fighting
Libian troops preparing at Sauticas border
End the war. Now.
Cleaning out my friends house found this…
Continued momentum
Operation: Light of Dawn ends
First Emergency Aid to Sautica Arrives
Volunteers joins the liberation
The Federation, after stalling has built up and fully mobilized our military might and we go on the offensive
Sending our army to fight the Israeli rebels
A naval blockade is set up around the Rebel coast, along with air patrols
ATTENTION: Operation Titan Flare, Unverified Object, Information Packet 1
Election Results
We must never let this happen again, the squids will pay
Fallout: Toulmond