Two years ago, I heard my car fire up for the first time with a new beating heart for the first time
A Shelby too
It'll buff out
My new front vents
Ma'am this ain't LinkedIn
If a movie was made based on your sex life, what would the title be?
Ah yes $50 for a cable and some wires
I just had my 10 cake day. AMA.
Dude creates havoc with Mustang in residential roads
Bears in the Snow
B5s are still accepted here
My son came up to me to show me this tamiya Tt-01 with a b5 body on the internet one month later we’ve completed it and it looks like my real b5
Audi blew it out of the park with the Toronto Auto Show Displays this year. Made it look like a museum.
What would you put on your sex bucket list?
I'm just imporssed that the hat stayed on the passenger head rest
Gramps saw Stitch at Super Bowl
Been having a rough time and tried distracting myself with an old Gameboy, but the battery on the cartridge was dead. A kind Redditor offered to replace it and for the first time in 24 years I’m playing Pokémon Crystal again! Brought some light to my day
My biannual canker sores all in one spot
Went to get coffee, lost a wheel
Suddenly overheating.
Taking crunch time quite literally
ford mustang crash firefighters cut the roof
my corvette people need me
Found those lone little guy in my apartment laundry room that flooded relatively recently. What is it and should i be worried?