What is the comic that got you into comics? For me, it was Ultimates #9. I read the run itself but I didn't entirely get into comics until this issue. It's just so good!
[Fan Art] Sketch Batgirl Cassandra Cain By Me
How would rank these three couples based off their romance?
“Surface dweller of great power, likes of which this planet has not seen….for EONS”
Bruce Wayne literally punching his way out of his coffin and grave and then clenching his bloodied and broken fists with determination is so epic
What do you think of Cameron Monoghan as Daredevil?
Who would win?
[Discussion] Every Show Has One: Arrow Edition Day 3. Who is The Hot One?
Which of these two would win in a fist fight? No gadgets, suits, grappling hooks or batarangs. Just straight up fisticuffs
That was HIS BABYYY😭😭😭😭
Is this the coldest Batman ❄️
Michael Bay is the Cinephile Gigachad
Next, what movie is Man vs Man? (Plenty I assume)
You know what, I wanna ask this,why do people say that Mark forgave Nolan for what he's done?
[Comic Excerpt] When Bruce finds out you haven't pre-ordered ABSOLUTE BATMAN #7 yet...
Homelander is very angry and wants to kill you, who you choose as your protector.
Bryce Mitchell says he’s been having ‘demonic dreams’ since the UFC314 press-conference, and believes Jean Silva is possessed by “a legion of demons” - “When I said the name Jesus he was provoked to maliciousness, and he started barking like a dog.”
If Geralt retired and had to take a modern job, what would he be doing? Private investigator? Bodyguard? Or maybe... an influencer?
How would you feel if this was what the Colts' draft looked like?
Out of these Marvel characters, who do you think is the "coolest"?
Which one is your favorite look?
Actors who ruined America?
Replaying Arkham Knight, I can’t believe how good it still looks.
What's your all time favorite Batman one-liner?
Tim Drake is the only one between his brothers who got along with Supergirl.