You're friend is going to approach a girl for the first time, what advice would you give him?
Shooting technique advice
Everyone hates on everyone’s Center builds. So show yours if it’s the best.
What's the best rebounding center that you have created.
Difference between 89 and 93 Driving dunk?
Yoooo ballersss
Thoughts on this 7'3 mainly for 1v1 and rec
New Lock Build. What would yall change?
Does wingspan matter on a 7'3?
Should I just stop passing the ball so much?
Is this a good lock for the rest of the year?
6'4 lock with 6'11 or 7'0 wingspan
Is this a good lock for 3s?
First gig went great
What did you learn the hard way about approaching women?
Played my first set.
What are some mixing hacks
Arguably the best lock ever made, capable of running big as well
6'6 centers ain't even fun no more
Did I just make the best stretch build? For Park, Stage and Pro-Am
What do you think about current gen?
Should I just get current gen?
How to transition faster?
Running advice