DE Shaw Internship First Round Interview
realised ashoka isn't all bad
Is it safe to go to MKT during Holi? Which locations in Delhi are safe and which are unsafe during holi?
where to get customised hoodies/sweatshirts in delhi?
Need Jeans Manufacturer details please
Thinking about starting a clothes-retailing biz with low investment (to begin with). Help me!
If a team is second best in a tournament but they lose against the eventual winners during quarters isn't that unfair because they can technically beat the eventual second and third place winners? What does the sports community think about this?
Any idea how to fix this charger? It fell down and came apart and won't stay together anymore.
Any idea how to fix this charger? It fell down and now it won't stay together anymore. I really can't afford to buy another adapter.
how do I fix this mac charger?
Which stocks to buy now? Currently I have a loss making portfolio with only bank stocks and wish to diversify
I have a ₹1000 SIP in quant small cap mutual fund. How can I add a lump sum amount to this on groww?
iPhone 14 camera makes my skin texture look awful - any tips to fix it?
Is my iPhone 15 Pro Max camera faulty, or is it a software issue? (not dust related)
Will there be a camera software update on the iPhone 15?
Have you returned your iPhone 15? Why?
What kind of iPhone are you currently using?
Is anybody else facing camera quality issues with the iPhone 15?
Which iPhone should I buy in 2024?
is it normal for the teeth to slightly tilt sideways before becoming straight?
Krea vs Ashoka vs Flame
If I buy an iphone from the US and bring it to India will there be support/warranty issues?
Can I use my iphone 15 charger to charge my Macbook Air?
How can I help my parents handle their finances as they have no clue how to go about it?