A weird glitch occured when I was playing - does this happen often?
Find the safe square. If you play standard game often, you will recognize this pattern as a common opening sequence.
What song is this for you?
I can't be the only one, right?
They should really invest in a higher quality thinking-helix.
McDonald's tried to fight it but after a few years went with it
This isn't even remotely funny.
[50/50] Naked Barbie on beige carpet (sfw) | Tapeworm diarrhea in cat litter box (nsfw?)
What is wrong with me 💀
Ele roblos face (nudziło mi się)
Prove you've watched this series by quoting it.
No to ja też dołączę do klubu
No co się jopisz
Koledzy fajny zepuł
Pay up
Jasne, że to Eleven
Comment and I’ll align you
lets see the funniest one lol
Eleveleń przefarbował się na różowo
Say your favorite PvZ2 plant
hey chat
koledzy bo ten cały mickjewicz to zdrajca narodu bo pisze on o l*twje, zobaczcie sami