Martinho Aftermath
Tudo parvo com os chocolates do dubai
why would i ever pick this "upgrade" ? it looks like a debuff more than anything
At this point its ridiculous
Guess I'm Missing Out
Path of Ambition consumable drops are horrible
Does anyone know what this is?
Da onde é que o leite gresso ficou quase 1€ por 1 L???? 😭
Which phone should I go for?
My Year so far, each line is a month
TEMU no seu melhor
Malta do barbear clássico
Já publicaram este, mas agora de outro ângulo. S…….
Is it possible to bypass premium checks with CE?
Cheirinho... São outras paradas... Invejosos
How long have you played the game?
Parque para bicicletas Murtal Parede Cascais
There's way to many events at once 0.o
Do people still care about guardian ranks anymore?
People have been brainwashed by Synthoceps for too long and are the reason why Titans feel they have no build variety.
Finally Happened to me
Didn't get GM step on rank journey despite doing the GM
Dinheiro verdadeiro
Honor 200 Magic OS 9.0 version arrived now in India
Cuidado ⚠️