God I hate him so much, still a fan tho
Gimme more reason to punch Pyro, I only have one, and it’s this image
I hate Pyro
pinacle of comedy (according to Pyro)
Literally 1984
God forbid kids express their interests.
Can someone explain Pyro’s girlfriend scamming situations? Is this just a bit? What’s going on here?
Guys, I’m too skinny, that’s why I wanna change my diet so pyro will groom me, any suggestions?
my cosplay Jinx
They're finally adding Pyro and his hairline into that Hotel Show
Maybe I should explain why I hate him, look at it, he ruined my Christmas with that stupid ass smug face
Is Vsauce a bad boy?
Gimme a reason not to punch him, it doesn’t have to be good
I wanna punch him, still a fan tho
Who's fatter?
I don’t hate fat, gay or furry, but I absolutely hate the combination of it, still a fan tho
Your honor, my client is LITERALLY babygirl
When a degenerate goons on the internet, does it make a brap?
What happened to this guy?
I have a question, why is asexual part of the lgbt+ community if straight people are gayer?
Jinx by Sophyucha!
Pyro should just let Colossal take over, the channel will be more easy on the eyes