Who, if casted, would probably cry as much as (if not more than) Danielle? 😭
Is Tim going to “sacrifice” Saxon to save himself?
Jewels’ “Marie Antoinette”
This guest’s reaction is so on point about Ben & Sara
Lach isn’t gay, trans or sexually confused.
Linds just posted this in regards to Carls WWHL last night
What are the best Inflation Busters in Seattle
An explanation for the apparent timeline discrepancy in episode 5
Stuck at season 7. Is it worth it to keep going?
One thing she does is tells it like it is 💁♀️
Downtown Seattle was not like my conservative uncle claimed.
Landon's pitch
We need a Kathryn Dennis tell all documentary.
Craig’s statement on the breakup
What's the "least happy" ending you've been happy with
Bill Nye receiving Medal of Freedom for his dedication to science education
Jensen carrying the weight of the world
I love Kathryn (will that change?)
Realistic Young Children
Late Bloomer FMC who isn't super shy/sheltered?
Lisa choosing Tom Schwartz to open a restaurant makes zero sense
Why does Sue wear fake eyelashes on Survivor?
You guys ever feel like you're being gaslit by the "banter"?