Do people actually hate Plutoski?
My country provides for free Crack smoking kits and it's insane
I live in Puerto Rico 🤮
Mildy nsfw (not really) -- My Gf got bit one night ago by something and now a scary rash is developing from bite. Anyone know what kind of bug/spider this could be from?
I did it yall I went red😫😫 this goes for colored locs what do you guys to keep them locs hydrated
The best kind of true.
How long do your retwists last?
hitting the slopes tonight with my man!! ❄️
No, you cant smoke powder cocaine.
What's ur preferred oil?
Just chopped up a dose for tonight
The locs is locking 💪🏽
Folks got a new girl every month
what moisturizer do you use for your locs and how many times a week you moisturize it?
Niggas wanna show off & wear amiris so bad even if they don’t fit 😂
What is wrong with people
Should I restart ?
Little over 1 month today 💯 Don’t have enough 💰 for a retwist yet
How to better define my locs??
Anybody else here take mushrooms monthly or even weekly sometimes for self care
4 years and counting
Ya it’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome commonly referred to as TDS. It’s a sub mental illness of Leftism.
This drug has ruined my teeth
He met his opp on live and then shot him