4 bagseeds on day something flower
A bowl of nuggies
Hello Dinky
Wife and I teased my single friend [F27] [M28] [M27]
Cannabutter and canna oil goodies
Anyone else see the resemblance?
Anyone have a good recipe for oil based gummies? Preferably with jello box
Breakfast choices
My Greatest Shame
Lock in
“Only put in what you are willing to lose”
are my strings too high off the fretboard?
Play Ball
did i get scammed?
How to introduce my gf to metal?
Spending the day in here, kinda like every other day🤘
Fav song off of this album?
Favorite thrash metal album?
Which Coins besides Bitcoin would you Longterm DCA into??
How big was Metallica in 1986?
What Song first got you into Metallica?
I know not to trust GC, Looking for a colbolt blue mockingbird with a whammy bare and killswitch but the GC listing says it doesn’t have a killswitch then what’s this white button behind the whammy bar?
08 SRT ready for take-off
What is the deepest Metallica lyric that you'll never forget?
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Audio-Technica AT-LP70X