How and what do i even do in Runescape?
Agility or Runecraft first?
Maybe just a skill issue
AIO for being upset with my boyfriend?
I didn't know a single thing about Runescape before I started playing
Rip tbow jmods am i cooked?
Who here ruined this for me? I demand 50m in compensation
Is the end game rewarding?
What is your biggest all time screw up in a game?
Whats the dumbest grind you've ever done?
Fucking Hell!
In a rutt. sorry but I need advice
Should I even bother maxing?
Whats with servers locking the medic role to level 500?
Oh, excuse me. I just need to disable this real quick.
How can Hell let lose be fun?
Is there really no benefit to woodcutting in the woodcutting guild?
Ordered a steak rare at a famous paris restaurant. Is this too rare?
I made a gim and all my friends quit. Currently almost 1700 total level. I continued to play even after they quit. Do I start a new ironman or just continue this one?
For the next ten years straight you will either have to smoke a big blunt every Tuesday and Friday at 11am or drink twenty bottles of beer per week. If you finish the challenge you’ll get 10,000,000$. Will you do it?
For everyone quitting can i have your mega rares
do they know???
What’s his name
Gagex already freaking out and trying to backtrack, don’t let them
Everyone should see this for themselves: price options Jagex wants you to consider