Show me your OC and i will tell the dumbest thing he has ever done.
H: Holy Fire W: offers from people who need one
(Xb1) H: caps W: holy fire
[Xb1] H: caps W: holy fire
What is the first video game that comes to mind when you see this?
Lemme see y’all’s hardest image
What song was this for you?
Battlefield 4 server exploit now widespread
The main character/s of the last TV show or movie you watched have to come to Harran to save you, how screwed are you?
You are spending one day with your favorite character what are you doing?
Closer look at the new pack camos
Favorite One liner lyrics
What song are y’all playing?
DE brought back the Unreal Tournament skins for free
We like men too right
bought the new as val skin but even when i remove the scope, it still turns up in game!!!? It also doesn’t show up in the firing range?
I think I f**ked up. Sorry guys
what song is this for you?
Legends Darkstalker GN gonna go crazy
I wanna hear everyone's "Big 3" of their warframes in their inventory
I think it would be cool if Tui released a real book of clearsight and maybe darkstalkers scroll as collectors items
tell me your favorite video game
Just me or does saryn look like she's in thigh high boots and a mini skirt?
Trinity Buff? Okay