Spotify keeps turning off shuffle mode?
Barack Obama has such a wonderful smile
“Raphael's personal incubus”. My Haarlep cosplay
How much do you think is it worth ?
My First Weapon Skin ever
I can't say his name
Let's try !
We all agree right?
Long live Ukraine!!
apparently you don’t need to see outside of your windshield to drive
So happy with how my tank came out
Im glad that Chinese and Korean devs are finally using thier talents to make single player AAA console games instead of just mobile cash grabs
Got rained out at work today, but still had to be on site. Thanks Steam deck!
New Deck Got STOLEN in transit from UPS man
Do you try to stick to steam or wherever you can get it cheapest?
How do you choose which games with choice paralysis?
Controller Setup
I am getting a new deck delivered and can't choose between two games.
My boy Kirby
Swimming with whales as one decides to breach the surface
Steam Deck sale..
50G/190L planted tank. CPD Tank Mate recommendations
My second. It’s messy, but looks OK from a distance
How to start?