Is this game a good idea for someone who hasn't really played DnD and will play with family members/children?
I hate my job, the people I work with are idiots
I don’t want to do anything with my life. (Am I lazy? or is it my mental health?)
Former screen or game addicts, how did you heal?
Life gets better after being suicidal
32 years old, not skilled and have myself to blame. I feel like I'm done
Two kids and blue collar husband
I saw my first love today, and it hit me hard
Aaron Judge shows off the cannon to cut down Schwarber at the plate!
Is it possible to buy sample packs for the LoFi12 XT?
LoFi-12XT & SP-404 MKII practice session
What is a good pedal that has a LoFi tape sim and some Reverb that isn't $400?
Is the Digitone the best synth for DungeonSynth?
[WTS/WTT] Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1b - $430 shipped [WTTF] SP404mkii or desktop mono synth (Pittsburgh)
I don't mind working a dead end job
[WTS] UDO Super 6 & Korg Multi/Poly - (SoCal)
Can I use my lofi12 xt more or less as a guitar pedal for my synthesizer?
Does anyone here have experience with meditation and can help me confirm something?
Struggling to stop smoking weed
A difficult and an urgent question: what happened when an INTJ start feeling emotion?
[WTS]: Digitakt MKI - $465, Behringer 2600 (Blue Meanie w/ WMD clear slider caps) - $325, Eventide Space $245, Korg SQ64 - $110 [PA]
I'm a 32 year old single woman. I'm worried that I missed the boat, that men won't find me attractive, that I will never fall in love or find a lasting partner
I want to stop, but I can't...
I don’t think I have depression. I just think being an adult fucking sucks.
What really fucked you up from your childhood?