Billion dollar coaches that make million dollar months but charge $22 for all the secrets is that not a odd thing to do?
The truth about Kathrin Zenkina, Manifestation Babe and what happens when you ask for a refund back (in this case SM, Sovereign Money) WITH RECEIPTS!
It's giving Severance Wellness Session Outie Affirmations
Allie casazzas newest strange venture
Coach claims people are jealous and insecure and that's why they are hating on the coaches 😂
All this for 1 like
Does Any Show Come Close To Being As Cosy As Columbo?
OK, Columbo's interaction with genius girl is just creepy in Bye-Bye Sky-High IQ Murder Case.
Is it just me or does the show become less interesting after they found out who killed Laura?
Leaving School of Self-Image membership and looking for recommendations.
What’s the murder that hit you the hardest?
I don't know if I believe the mask and speeding camera.
Simone called out for antisemitism (again)
What’s the best movie you know but no one else knows?
It is possible or worth it to "come back at life" after spending 8 years doing nothing in bed?
Has anyone ever seen a movie called “Happiness”
Posted about Harriette Jackson yesterday, then saw her story today and couldn’t help myself…
A new level of BOLD toxicity (Harriette Jackson, @ask_harriette)
Dr Who wanna-be claims that she can teach people to jump timelines
Was James just a player? A free spirit? Lost soul? Too good looking? A young high school dude? Or just a casualty of a late 80s soap opera script?
What other shows do you rate as highly as (or close to) Severance?
Looking for books that will make me think 'what the f*ck???'
Help Me Understand
Allie Casazza
What happened to MM?