This Redditor admitting to abusing and beating his girlfriend.
Does anyone know what happened to this young rider who got kicked in her face by her horse
Youtube comment section talking about raping a death woman.
YouTube comments justifying murder of a woman cause she cheated on her husband.
This Youtuber name Alexander Grace posted a fake story on this sub by pretending to be a woman.He is a redpill YouTube content creators.
What do you think of female self help youtuber Wizard Liz.
Iran: Woman left paraplegic after being shot by police over hijab
What are sports in which the athletes are NOT healthy?
Is reincarnation real do guys believe in it.
Post with high number of upvote but no comments. Why is that.
Serial rapist given life sentence for attacking more women
Arkansas Supreme Court upholds rejection of petitions to let voters decide on abortion access