31, going back to school. Would pursuing BS in CS be a good idea given my situation?
Moving on from Colorado Springs
Moves where the grass was actually not greener?
Place you’ve found the friendliest people/easiest to make friends?
General discussion: You now work 100% remote, make $90k-$100k/year, and are allowed to relocate anywhere in the US. Where do you choose to live and why?
Re-enter GIS or move on?
Are apartments designed for dog owners a thing?
Fun “started from the bottom” team for a manager career?
Weird Stuff in Washington
Spokane Visitor's Q&A Megathread, June 2020
Idaho Urban Legends?
Late 90s/Early 2000s SUV
Rentals With Fenced In Yards
What's the most fun routine or program you've ran?
What bands would be high desert music?
Royals fan moving to Arizona. What do I need to know about being a sneks fan?
Friday New Climber Thread for February 15, 2019: Ask your questions in this thread please
What is Arizona like culturally?
How do I stop feeling stupid, lazy, and like I'm degrading?
Do bald people know where their forehead ends and their bald head begins?
North Kansas City vs Kansas City North
Podcasts with content similar to Behind the Bastards?
What's the best fitness app for group fitness challenges?
Anyone here work at Burns & McDonnell?
Travel Life Program: TRX, running, and yoga