Ringleeder- Kanary yello
[For Hire] looking to create unique cartoonish or linework drawings for cover art (minimum $30 details in description)
Some recent drawings of mine
Krow’s Kourt, Borg (me), ink pen and marker, 2024
Alternate album covers hand drawn by me
I’m a young artists who moved to Ottawa just over 2 years ago and I’m looking to involve myself more in the art community
Krow’s Kourt by me (Borg) ink markers and pen
Krow’s Kourt, Borg, ink pen and markers,2024
Billie Eilish, Hit me hard and soft, custom cover by me
Don’t know if these count but here’s some vinyls I drew on
Look on my works
Peak, Borg(me), ink pen and pencil crayon, 2024
I work at a dispensary and do drawings for regulars.
What's one place or business in Ottawa that you think is amazing?
Dershowitz just went on Fox news and addressed the recent rape accusations against him by essentially saying "what about Hamas"
Drip so hard the court became a slipping hazard
Unreal. Female IDF soldier takes time to pose for instagram pictures during their onslaught on Gaza.
After a while, the drive to make money is just gone.
Can you easily tell what animal this is?
Unusual family pic found in an Air BnB
When you can’t get rich quick
This is bait right?
A young Zac Efron tearing up after receiving a 15 minute standing ovation at Cannes
Don, the eldritch entity