Anyone out there with the TD-H3 that use NicFW? What are the advantages over the stock firmware?
Jumped on the train and bought a Tidradio H3
To have your mail delivered in peace
The TD-H3 came in today. All programmed and ready to test out.
What’s your thoughts on the Tidradio TD-H8 GMRS 2nd gen? Thinking about grabbing one.
What’s everyone’s experience with Signal Sick 440, Nagoya 771G and Abbree 771G for GMRS? Which is better?
Is Full Glass Cover Case worth it?
So the studying begins, still waiting on my Fuel Gas Code book.
ITAP of a grill
ITAP of leaves on a river bed
Overlooking West Jefferson
Vacation lineup/flex. Warm weather, golf, and cigars. Gonna be a good week!
Supply fan for 6 floors
New EDC: Free P2
Something seems off. Just can’t quite put my finger on it.
ITAP of a radio tower
Nice/bold little smoke, Last Call by Aj Fernandez
What do you call a man who's lost 95% of his brain capacity?
Welcome to Rio
To impress her with his moves
The last leg of a 2000 ft tower
What’s your favorite Reddit client for iPhone as of now?
is it ok to let a cigar go out, and then relight it later?
Which Reddit client app is your favorite for iPhone?
(OC) She loves the sun and breeze.