UMass Amherst delays maintenance projects to pay for expected federal cuts
To what extent are the FoxBrained morally culpable for their brainwashing?
Desi's A Bok
What’s this about?
My favorite line in the series! Viv was amazing ❤️
Why is ChatGPT 4.0 suddenly full of breathless, over-the-top praise?
Microsoft: Official Support Thread
Zachary Michael's grip on reality is receding faster than his hairline. Zach, the only joke here is the grown adult who left an actual career in higher education to make fun of women on the internet for money.
Her Happy Husbands: Article about Vivian, Bill, and Phil, circa 1955
Cannot delete conversation
Am I kratoming wrong? (looking for an antidote to depression)
The Mertzes moving to Connecticut
Vivian circa mid-late 1930s
Vivian as honorary mayor of Pacific Palisades
Vivian, Honorary Mayor of Pacific Palisades, judging a beauty contest
Vivian receiving an award from the state of New Mexico
Any FoxBrains in your orbit deleting social media?
UMass: $10M in NIH funding at stake for flagship; court hearing set for Friday
Have you ever been in a long-term romantic relationship (6+ months)?
Anyone seeing any changes with their MAGA friends/family?
Do you feel like you are socially needy?
Schizotypal NOT a personality disorder
Fox completely changed my father, and it breaks my heart
Vivian Vance and Phil Ober, c. 1955
Beautiful Vivian