Holiday pay
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
Do you have rules on what steelbooks you allow yourself to buy?
Im a genius
I quit porn and masturbation 6 months ago today.
This was a cool find today. I've never actually watched it before. About to pop it in.
Nosferatu VHS release mock-up
(SELLING) Kill Bill vol 1 and Vol 2 4k
Selling kill Bill 4k vol 1 and 2 4k
Kill Bill!
The Shape of Water: (2017) Criterion 4K UHD – (my thoughts, impressions, review in comments)
Never seen any of these. What we watching first?
Butchered a CRT for my Halloween costume
Tis the season folks... FOR HORROR
r/criterion, what are you eyeing this upcoming sale?
Made this, what should I call it?
Unintentionally maybe the Queerest Collection?
All Set Up
My First Direct Order From Manta Lab Came today
Free 1978 Goldstar TV
2 more steel book for the collection
Is this alignment good?
Found this at a local shop for honestly way cheaper than anyone on eBay has it
I think I have an addiction