Back to back raids
never thought my first lvl 50 would be a
Is this dialga rare?
Me just waiting for the rework
Hundo latios
r/largecitys Ask Anything Thread
How many hundos do you have?
What was your first shiny?✨
Which one should i invest?
Chicago 2023
How many shines do you have
First shiny shadow legendary
NYC at night
First shadow shiny
Can you upvote me pls. I will upvote back ◉‿◉
Can you please upvoke? me i will upvoke you back.
Karma please
It seems like this, never right🥲
Chicago skyline 2023
First giratina raid EVER
First giratina raid EVER.
Is this worth investing in?
tell me your fav brawler and i gonna tell you what kinda person you are(image unrelated)
I group up the green ones