As Sunday began, Trump blasts Canada as not ‘a viable country’
Anyone else with Videotron (cell) not receiving occasional phone calls?
Stray cat
Anik apologizes for criticism of MMA fan base: 'I've learned a lot'
[SPOILER] Neil Magny vs. Mike Malott
How much plumbers make a year in Ottawa?
Good video of thief stealing from cars in Britannia -- do you know this man?
Ottawa was warned two years ago high immigration could affect housing costs, documents show
Ottawa, December 6th commute pics.
Power outage - comfortable winters
OC Transpo train at Blair station.
Video Shows Four Men As They Break Into A Heroic Homeowner's House With a Grandmother and Toddler Inside – He Stops Them Using The Second Amendment So The Police Arrest Him
Here is the interview with New Zealand intelligence agent who recently leaked death rates associated with the COVID19™ vaccines. He has been arrested by New Zealand authorities. Further reports suggest the journalist has also been arrested.
Where is the winter storm?
Teachers across Canada are reporting a rise in student violence and harassment
Power Outage in Beacon Hill?
Zelenskyy comes to Ottawa as Ukraine scrambles to shore up allies' support
Question about Ottawa's acoustics re: Bluesfest (not a noise complaint)
Stabbed man who got hit by 3 cars then thrown off a bridge probably died from the vaccine
Greedy landlords are a part of the unaffordable rent story in Canada
Reopen the inquiry into OC Transpo's lies!
Anyone get their white/black electric bike stolen?
Ducati Constructors' World Champion with 5 races to go!
Research finds turning off air conditioning during the day can save money