your two favorite characters interact. What's gonna happen?
What do you think of my list of BFDI crushes?
For those who think that Blocky is made of wood, Chemspeller says otherwise
What do you think of my object show waifulist? (This is FAR from all of them)
Tofu zomboids and hypnotized zombies behave the exact same to me. Is there any gameplay wise diffs?
I wonder what would happen if my top two characters interacted...
Pick a number from 1 to 204. Then I'll respond with a PvZ2 plant based on the number you picked
I present to you... The most weird and random rarepair ever. I like to call it "TVelve"
Am I the only one who thought Blockheads, Knights and Fossilheads were Brickhead variants?
This little fella in the picture is Tennis Fries. I wonder how his GF- I mean bestie would look like...
Another tier list post on Inanimate Insanity
The actual components of Ice Cube
Why is there an X Algebralian but no I, V, L, C, D or M Algebralians?
2763 as 97104 + More BFDI characters periodic table twisted based on their BFB 13 abbreviation
The Algebralians but something is off (I'll do 15, 16, 24 and 63 in a second part)
The Algebralians but something is off (15, 16, 24 and 63) ( also Fixed 1 and 2)
Almost all Jacknjellify characters in Chemspeller (Part 2 featuring the last few RCs, Ruby's sisters, Gelatin's brothers and TD's cousins)
Considering the fact that Ten's color is the opposite of One's color, I applied similar logic to make my fanmade 20-90!
Time traveler: Rotates a rock. The timeline:
After seeing how the division symbol works, HOW THE HECK would a multiplication symbol work in the Equation Playground?
Some BFDI characters turned into the periodic table based on their BFB 13 voting screen abbreviation. Guess which ones
Tb (Terbium)
Let's redo BFB 13's popularity poll! Instructions in image.
It's kind of a bummer that everyone voiced by Pokey is now gone (Pokey is my favorite BFDI VA)