type "mr" and let autocorrect finish
What songs have ridiculously long names (excluding features in the title)
Quale canzone di Capa?
La vostra homescreen?
Type “I love” and let autocomplete finish it
Send me ur wallpapers and i’ll rate them. I’ll go first. PS, no i do not know the original artist
che ne pensate del mio stile?
What song was this for you?
What song is this for you?
Type any Gorillaz song with your eyes closed
Type any Tv Girl song with your eyes closed
Chiedo a tutti gli LGBT cosa ne pensano
Echo in my ass.
Name your fav artist (totally stole this)
Favorite idiot character?
What song got you into Gorillaz
Which song?
Songs that feature the musical instruments they talk about
How do you call this thing in your language
Ts cover pmo
give me some recs
Songs with 'don't' in the title
What gorillaz song makes you act like this?