Am I ready to FIRE at 42 with $4M+ net worth? Tired of corporate life but have young kids
How did you get past making “good enough” money?
I want to start a 529
A question to everyone about diversification
Wanting what we have?
Simple things in your life that make you happy?
Does anyone have a super cool experience with what you did after you reached FI? It could be pivoting careers, starting a business, retiring to the beach, opening a jet ski rental place in Key West? Anything.
Advice on consolidating my Roth?
Can FIRE now, but how do I shift my mentality?
You guys are a bad influence
Health Insurance when Retiring Early?
T Bill Purchase is Confusing Me
Introversion in middle age
Shameful sales call
Should I wait to buy low? Or just buy now?
As I sit here and watch the stock market ruin my day (I know I should not be looking) I was wondering if there is anyone in here that was investing using FIRE methods in the market pre 2008 and kept throwing money in all the way through? If so how did you steel your nerves and keep plowing forward?
Introverts Who Live with an Extroverted Partner
DCA - Once or Twice Monthly?
Plan to quit in 2025, but having second thoughts (~$2.6MM “investable”)
My first post
Why do extroverts pressure introverts into relationships?
Follow my head or my heart?
Even after alone all day I still can’t stand being around people
Anyone retire/FIRED and then regret?
Have to think of a retirement process