to the skin they sunk the knife | What Genre is This?
CIA Produced 613 Files While Monitoring Lula
Transphobic attacks are increasing in Turkey’s İzmir, as is solidarity
Lithuanian MPs vote to quit convention on cluster munitions
[Erin O'Toole] My post congratulating the new CDS who also happens to also be the first woman to become a 4 leaf General led to a torrent of toxic and stupid posts and it gives us a small glimpse of what women have to put up with online. A few elements really bothered me.
'It's been 18 months' and F-16s have not yet arrived, Zelensky says
European industrial giants condemn latest EU cybersecurity agency decision on cloud sovereignty
Azerbaijan's president pledges to help French territories secure independence
Slovak PM blasts Ukraine's Lukoil sanctions as oil flow stops
EU backs ICJ ruling on 'illegal' Israeli occupation
There's a price to pay for being unready for war. Will Canada have to pay it again?
Canada’s response to Sudanese humanitarian crisis reflects systemic racism
India is not destined to be the next China
The second Halifax explosion
Russia Isn’t Behind Armenia’s Military Defeats, Geopolitical Choices Are
New chief of the defence staff says Canada has 5 years to prepare for emerging threats
Ottawa says it has 'taken note' of UN court call for end to Israeli settlements
Psychologist Who Waterboarded C.I.A. Prisoners Defends Method’s Use in 9/11 Case
These headlines have all been posted in under 24 hours.
I’m old enough to remember Petro-Canada’s subsidized ultra cheap oil.
Don’t forget the trains, government services, and literally every other sector from video games to make up.
Russia's international reserves back above $600bn
Canadian tech leaders oppose capital gains tax changes
Who stole who's National Anthem?
West Bank settlements violate international law, U.N.'s top court says in a landmark opinion