Black to move find the sacrifice
Do y'all ironically like the Benjixscarlett songs? If so, how old are you?
Find the brilliant sacrifice black played in this position
This wasn't expected
Black to move find a way to stop mate
I was just analzyiznjyinzgzignz my poision wghem tis habbened
some haters are genuinely insane. you should not hope someone dies over bad songs.
On Benjixscarlett wiki
This sub has to be a joke right
Benjixscarlett: 10 million here we go, yeah? Yeahhh?
Name every single mistake in this thumbnail, without cringing to death.
I have been blessed by the fishing gods.
Name a more useless npc than him, ill wait
is lichess governed by fide
Black to move, good luck
guess my elo based on this move
why didn't he capture my queen
Guess my elo based on this fork i made
unexpected mate
People dont understand how crazy plastic mouse and stuff is
Anyone gonna arrive?
Which Group of People do you think are the Most Toxic?