It’s a whiskey kind of day
Nothing quite like Ego-death
Every time I'm given a Kaweco Sport
What piece of stationery kicked off your habit?
Would you date a cis guy that has the same name as your dead name trans girlies?
Got asked if I was pregnant or breastfeeding
Tesla owners rebrand their vehicles to distance themselves from Trump
Weird question from cis here. What does it mean if i am jealous of transwomen. Its not a bad type of jealousy. I actually am happy for them and commend their bravery... but when i see people who are trans Igo " i wanna be that"
This is brutal 💔
Haven't paid for Gamepass over a year?
Found in the wild in Alexandria Ohio
You are given an Undo Button.
Songs that feature walking on water
Do some pre-op women like to use their penis with their partner?
Is this an AE86?
My First Hostile Encounter, Yay!
Boobs are gods greatest invention
songs where the artist messes up the beginning vocal and leaves it in anyways
A father confronts his son's bully. Another kids defuses the situation creatively.
$1,000,000,000 or phased movements on your vehicle.
“Insert app name”
Saw this car in the wild on my way to work
If I have to poop right before I die, do I immediately release all of the poop?
Rebecca Black copied Kim?