Say the survivor and killer you main because I'm bored😔
The kidds should have a war about who’s better
"Tell the red one theres a c00ler kid in charge"-bluudud what do you think of him also what do you think of c00lkidoe
dang bro dont like fortnite
the Pro halloween costume cosplayer what do you think of them (you can rate each idividually or just all of them combined if you want)
Pick a number from 1-1,440 and I'll give u a song to try
Be serious THIS is a lot better than THIS don't let nostalgia blind you guys
do yall think 007n7 should have 118o8 skin so we can get an unique lms for bluudud gif unrelated
c00l3r gang, rise up
We’re so back
i dont remeber c00lkid saying this
Hawk tuah!
Smith c00l
the VERY strict dad weirdly strict what do you think of him
S0mth1ng c00l
The c00l3r skater c00l3r wh8t d0 y0u th1nk 0f h1m
im gonna jump him
Th1s gang 1s just a c0py 0f 0ur gang
sonic.exe is an opp now
This is war.
no you are not
You are fighting your main survivor how screwed are you mine is two time
the fancy boi dapper what do you think of him