This is what real “coonery” looks like….
Haiti continue de compter les morts
This help bring out the melody and volume of my guitar playing.
Supreme Judge in DR announced retirement and said that she is a Haitian descent.
What percent of Haitians do you think voted for Kamala or Trump
Guitar Teachers: Do you write homework for your students at the end of the class?
What Do You Think About Julius Malema? Do We Need Our Own Version?
Haitians hiding behind the "caribbean" label
Alix Didier Fils-Aimé advocate for AI
Is it safe to restring?
Haitian economist takes over as transition president in friendly ceremony
On Monday, a group of American sharpshooters landed in Haiti and 50 more police officers from El Salvador.
Haiti opens third international airport
Inauguration Of An Upgraded Airport In Leys Cayes but does it look like it’s 25 million dollars worth of work?
One bread, One Body
This is insane🤦🏾♂️
DR catches second shipment with guns and bullets coming from the US in less than a month, it's presumed their final destination was Haiti.
DR catches second shipment with guns and bullets coming from the US in less than a month, it's presumed their final destination was Haiti. What can we do to force the US to prevent the shipment of weapons from their territory?
Haiti - Colombia : President Petro claims that cocaine «finances» violence in Haiti
Speech by former President JEAN-BERTRAND ARISTIDE at the graduation ceremony of UNIFA jounen 3/2/2025
Police operation: “Izo 5 Segond” gang leader injured in explosions
KPK Rice Heading Out To The U.S
How Anti-Blackness Shapes The Dominican Republic - AJ+
Didn’t know about Israel involvement during that Papa Doc regime. Is this legit?
To what extent do you think US aid has helped Haiti?
The People Of Delma Break Down Government Barrier Due To Gangs Attacking Their Neighborhoods