Looking for a fun, uncomplicated game with easy controls on ps5
Based on my favorite games/franchises of each letter, what would you suggest I play for the missing letters?
Où trouver
this game in a nutshell
What an interesting trend in gaming
What is the equivalent to an exterior 5km run but on a treadmill?
What’s your realistic rating for the game? Also include at least one other game for reference
Top 5 PS3 games
Updated Uncharted Collection
The Last of Us is depressing, Uncharted is uplifting
Is 50mb internet fast enough for gaming and streaming?
I don't know why I even bothered...
New Game for the system machine
Why is it so much fun to bash this game?
Blast in the past
Have you ever seen something so beautiful?
Bro I actually just realized Uncharted 2 is peak gaming
Been Outside for months next to a burn pile
My top 5 on ps4 is also my top 5 on ps5! Whats your top 5 on your ps4/ps5?
Why'd they make Nora bald? Thought we got a sneak peek of Lev for a second.
Get yourself a Bluetooth receiver. It'll make things more enjoyable.
What are your thoughts on my top 20 favorite games?
How do you rate Odyssey on a scale of 1 to 10?
Playstation 2 Magazine UK 2005
All game collectors, what do you do for a living?